Comedy Tag

Media Stir, and Magical Guests

Hey, all. So, I don't know if you heard what Toronto mayor Rob Ford suggested that we do, but he came up with a fantastic plan to battle Toronto graffiti. He suggested that people call '911' to report it. "That wouldn't cause any bother...

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S02E24: Massimo Capra

Cookin’ up some laughs with Chef Massimo Capra. Chef Massimo comes to CATP Towers and joins Todd for a load of chat about food and fun. Join tva and Massimo...

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S02E22: Sharilyn Johnson

Things get hot with Sharilyn Johnson. Comedy reviewer, owner of the great blog, and most recently fringe performer in “An Inconvenient Truthiness”, Sharilyn Johnson joins us before we murder...

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Honoured by Their Presence, and Live Show!

So, since we last talked, we've had the following happen: - We had some outtakes available from the Jason Deline episode - David Pryde slid by in a moose shirt from Europe - His Honour the former mayor of Toronto Mayor Miller slid by for a chat - I...

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