Blog Tag

Opening the New Year With a Bang

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope the new year is treating you well thus far. Things have been absolutely busy on the TVA end and have you all to thank really. Firstly there's a ton of shows in the coming days, which you can see...

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Podcasts and Sponsors for the Holidays

Hey, all. Hope the holiday season isn't making you examine the rafter beams to see if they'll take your weight. Relax. Take a breath. And above all, soothe yourself with a half-pint of whisky. We've had some great guests slide by the studio and...

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Podcasts and Poutine

Hey, folks. Thanks for listening and to all the folks that made themselves known when I was out in Ottawa. Had a great time and have you all to thank. As an FYI, I'll be heading to Montreal next week at the ComedyWorks. Hope to...

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New Season of the Podcast and I Head to Ottawa!

Hey, all. Just a quick note to mention that I'm heading to Ottawa for two weeks at Absolute Comedy! The first week I'll be hosting with headliner Jamie Lissow. I worked with him in Toronto and it was fantastic. You're in for a treat! The second...

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Media Stir, and Magical Guests

Hey, all. So, I don't know if you heard what Toronto mayor Rob Ford suggested that we do, but he came up with a fantastic plan to battle Toronto graffiti. He suggested that people call '911' to report it. "That wouldn't cause any bother...

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