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Honoured by Their Presence, and Live Show!

So, since we last talked, we've had the following happen: - We had some outtakes available from the Jason Deline episode - David Pryde slid by in a moose shirt from Europe - His Honour the former mayor of Toronto Mayor Miller slid by for a chat - I...

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Lest We Forget

Just got sent this and I thought I'd share. The sentiment is definitely mutual. Thanks to Terry Kelly for this wonderful work. Lest we forget....

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Thank God for Atheists.

My buddy Rick Kaulbars posted a reference to a letter he submitted to the editor of the Ottawa Metro in the “Shameless Self-Promotion” section of the Ottawa Comedy Resource, a great frequently-posted-to site dedicated to the Ottawa comedy scene. I proceeded to get into a debate with Rick that soon spiralled into something not befitting that section of the site. You can read how far we got to by clicking HERE. Since I couldn’t stop thinking about this entire issue and my side of the debate, I decided to post my argument where it is most appropriate. On my own damn website.

There’s a new ad campaign that is making the rounds of controversy in the UK and is soon to join us over here. A collection of bus ads will soon say words akin to, and I am paraphrasing here, “There is no God, so you might as well treat each other nicely anyway.”

Well, here we go.

R.I.P. George Carlin

The Toronto Star thudded to my doorstep today with news that was already out of date. The front page blurted something I was already way well aware of. George Carlin had passed away on Monday at the age of 71 due to heart...

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