Opening the New Year With a Bang

Opening the New Year With a Bang

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope the new year is treating you well thus far. Things have been absolutely busy on the TVA end and have you all to thank really.

Firstly there’s a ton of shows in the coming days, which you can see on the schedule here. Just look to the left.

One show in particular that I wanted to make you aware of a great show that’s going on this month. My podcast ‘Comedy Above the Pub’ is doing a live show! We are going to be doing a live show on Thursday, Jan 19/12 @ 9:00pm at Comedy Bar in Toronto. The guests for this great show will be Debra DiGiovanni and Nile Seguin. They are no stranger to this show and it promises to be great.

Click HERE for more details.

Speaking of the podcast, we’ve got some great episodes have have brought us into the new year!

‘Beards of Comedy’ member Dave Stone
– Double-dose of comedy with Carolyn Bennett and Winston Spear
– Comedy critic, author, and educator Andrew Clark
– Canadian comedy original Evan Carter
– Improv impresario Colin Mochrie

These episodes and more can be found at COMEDY ABOVE THE PUB.

Hope to see you on the 19th at Comedy Bar!

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