News Tag

My First Job Offer as a Result of the Star Article

As you may or may not know, I was featured as part of a Toronto Star article that focussed on how people recently laid off have been dealing with the joblessness, what work they’re finding, what sort of jobs they’re pursuing, dream-gig or otherwise, and that sort of thing. I think my inclusion is to provide the similar angle of “Day Job Gone Allows You To Focus on Dream Work” sort of thing and I was more than happy to provide what I did. That and I figured that hey, press is press. It can’t hurt to get your name out there and have folks contact you for services. What the heck, eh?

Today I received my first job offer as a result of the article. It begins, as most of my stories do, with me doing a crossword puzzle on the john. The phone rang and I hastily collected myself to answer it. A quick glance at the call display provided me with absolutely no clue as to who the person was. It was some Middle-Eastern-style name and at this point I’m wondering if it’s a wrong number. Nope. They apparently knew who they were calling.

Rodney Pentland: 1968 – 2009

I’ve discovered there’s a new electronic Web 2.0-esque thing that’s happening lately that appears to be the same as leaving flowers at the site of a fatality. Once you have a friend that passes away, people have been going to their Facebook page and writing messages of sympathy to the recently deceased. It is cathartic in a way, and I think is a great testament to the person like an electronic guestbook that you’d sign at a visitation.

Today I found myself writing on my friend Rodney Pentland’s wall.

Anything Second City Can Do…

So, my friend Kaori just went and got a blog posted on The article concerns Second Harvest and their want for all Torontonians on Thursday, Feb 26th, to bring their lunch to work or school and donate the money they would have spent...

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News About McVeigh’s – Looks Like I’m Hosting Now

Hey, all.

I owe you a review on Florida, and there have been some lessons learned, let’s say, but I felt you should know about this breaking news in advance.

There’s been a bit of a change-up recently and I thought that even though I’m not in town just now, I should put something out there to let you know what’s going on.

Firstly, as of Thursday, February 26th, I’ll be taking over as the host of the comedy night Thursdays at McVeigh’s. I’ve hosted this room as a substitute for several evenings over the past while, and it looks like I’m going to be continuing for good in this capacity. I’m going to be working very hard with the staff and ownership at McVeigh’s to help make the night a continued success. It is my hope that the room will be as successful as it was during the past two-and-a-half years that Laura Prosko ran it. Under her guidance it became one of the best places to perform in the city, and I hope that this continues.

In the Interest of Cross-Pollination…

...and shameless self-promotion, Kaori, the lovely wife of PDF/Double-scotch Darcy was so taken by the Kevin Brauch episode of the TVA Podcast that she took time and space away from her own blog (that you should really read as well, by the way) to promote...

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