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Show Day

So my lavish night out at the after-show receptions? All the craziness? The hobnobbing? The self-promotion? Naw. Stayed in, had steak (and yes...

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Kristeen Von Hagen Says Hello

So, initially, with motivation oozing out of me like sweat out of George Castanza defusing a bomb in a sauna after eating Kung Pao chicken, this entry was going to be called “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”. This is the standard issue...

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Orillia Comedy Festival – A Blast To Be Had

I'm pretty excited about this one, to be honest. Four full shows in four venues in Orillia. It's going to be a long night. How this works is one of four comics hits a venue and does 20 minutes to half an...

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Alms For The Minister Without Portfolio

Monday goes down as a day of discovery for me. I was not the only one in attendance at ScotiaBank Place to see the abject 5-0 capitulation of the Sens to the Leafs (side note to all Leafs fans who have been so diligent...

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