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While Dude Was Getting Sworn In…

Here’s a list of the updates I made on Twitter and Facebook while watching the feed of now President Obama’s inauguration:

Bushed: (adj) – a feeling of ennui felt in watching someone far superior to yourself celebrated as they take a position you previously held

Todd is wondering is it solely because Obama is really that good, or that Bush and all his minions were really that bad?

Todd thinks that the last words of the inauguration should be “Go git ’em, Tiger!”

Todd has noticed that while Obama’s Facebook page has 4,000,000 supporters, Harpers has 25,000. Huh.

Overheard in the back of a DC limo: “Wanna do some blow?” “Umm, no. I’ve got to get inaugurated.”

Three Strikes

Two potential shows this week and I couldn’t make it out to them. That is the textbook definition of absolute suckage. And it gets better.

One of the promoters of one of the great rooms in Toronto, Brian Coughlin, is promoting a show that I’d love to be at as well. But it’s Friday and I won’t be in town. Such is the life.

It’s a show called “Bye Bye W!” (I’ve taken to calling it “Bye Bye Dub!”, my smallest of small shout-outs to the Everly Brothers) and is at Second City Toronto at 11:00pm on Friday. Why am I hating not being around for this? Here’s why…

A Scarier Thought Than Anything Hallowe’en Could Dredge Up…

With the fact that I can’t get iTunes to talk to my goddamn Outlook calendar, at all, I feel like technology can go and eat me for all I care. There’s a crate of stuff out there technology-wise that has made our lives easier for sure, but when one small piece of it stops working, it gets to you like a cut on the roof of your mouth. I now don’t have a portable calendar and it’s really beginning to brown me off.

The way we interact has been streamlined as well. Personal websites and blogs fell to MySpace which fell to Facebook which now has one aspect of it displayed as Twitter. Twitter is a single line of 140 characters that you type in and have displayed. You are able to follow others and read their postings and they in turn are able to do the same with your posts. Pretty simple. You’re also able to see posts from everyone in the world (well, 20 or so folks) from around the world and see what they’re writing. I’ve even got a link-up below the pic on my site to show the Tweets (their word, not mine) that I’m making to the big, ol’ Etherspace. What’s the point? Dunno. But I find using Twitter to be an interesting creative exercise.

If you’re confined to 140 characters, what would you say and how could you make it entertaining?

Go. Vote. Now!

Here follows my brother's contribution to the "Hockey Night in Canada" Anthem contest. I really like it and if you do as well, you should do the same. If he wins the $100Gs, I'll split my share with you. Got change for a twenty? Click...

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