Episode 159: Christian Schulte-Loh

Episode 159: Christian Schulte-Loh

Welcome to episode #159 of the TVA Podcast.
In this week’s episode, we welcome all the way from Germany, no wait, Hungary, no, hang on…Europe, Christian Schulte-Loh!

Join me, Christian, and Producer Darcy as we blether on about:

– Christian’s time in Canada, his loves and hates of the place
– Christian’s look at sports, his loves and hates of the sports
– Christian’s drinking of beer, his loves and hates of the stuff
– We buy and sell off your children
– We try to find a decent song for his video project

Oh, and we talk about how painful this is:

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1 Comment
  • Shell

    Definitely one of the best yet. You can bring back this funny man anytime -especially if it means i get to sit and giggle at my desk.
    How did any of you forger Burton Cummings and Randy Bachmann? or Pamela Anderson?

    October 7, 2009 at 9:35 am