TVA Podcast 186: Slim Bloodworth

TVA Podcast 186: Slim Bloodworth


Welcome to episode #186 of the TVA Podcast.

In this week’s episode, we welcome have fresh from Houston, Texas, SLIM BLOODWORTH!

It’s just Todd and Slim this episode (as the false starts will attest) and this week we cover:

– Texan perceptions of Canada (they’re like everything else in Texas…big!)
– The Texan theft of our sovereign Canadian winters
– How great language is and how it ain’t hurtful…srsly
The Dykes of Hazard Comedy Tour
– Dude! Where’s my health care?
– If you didn’t notice, there’s a guy by the name of Guy Earle. We get a lesbian point of view.

Soap Box Topic This Week: Is accurate history in Texas history?
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