TVA Podcast 174: Jo-Anna Downey

TVA Podcast 174: Jo-Anna Downey


Welcome to episode #174 of the TVA Podcast.

In this week’s episode, we welcome Jo-Anna Downey!

Join tva, Jo-Anna, Producer Darcy, and Special Guest Ian as we talk about:

– The difference between hosting and headlining
– Trying to get everything done in time
– Charity shows etc
– Answers Jo-Anna offers up in the new “Tweeting the Guest” segment

Soap Box Topic This Week: The Jay Leno/Conan O’Brien Fiasco

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1 Comment
  • Shell

    Thank you SO much for bringing Jo-Anna back. I adore her!
    I have to ask though – exactly what is Ian doing there? He’s got some good commentary, but mostly he’s mute – not exactly a good thing on a podcast. Speak up already 🙂

    January 22, 2010 at 2:33 pm