First Comic Sitting

First Comic Sitting

Firstly, a bit of housekeeping. Thanks to Darcy’s efforts (my web guy and co-host of the TVA podcast) we are now listed on the Canadian Postcast Buffet. It’s a neat little site hosted by Mark Blevis and Bob Goyetche, so tons of fun. We may get an interview out of it, so that’s kind of fun.

A pack of my friends stood on line to get a shot at “Last Comic Standing” and I was getting barraged by inquiries as to when I was going down for my spot at greatness and American fame. Erm, no. I’ll bow out.

“So, you had enough after the Q107 debacle, then?”, you ask. And you think you’d be right and reasonable. But no. Actually, much much funnier people than me (and there’s may just be a few out there) bowed out as well. Reason? Couple of reasons.

Firstly, I’ve got to save up my…what do they use in Australia? Let me check here….Go to here, and…yes. Dollars. Okay, I have to save up my dollars and get to Australia for the shows I’ve got lined up there. Being there at 5:00am as some did to line up in the cold (yet another factor) to give a go didn’t line up as nicely as working, making some Australian…what was it? Right…dollars for later. Add to this what would happen if I did make it. If they wanted to tape during March and April (quite probable), I’d be toast then as well. So, long story short, maybe next year.

Or not. Reports are coming in on the treatment of everyone during the auditions. The comics in line-up who weren’t fortunate enough to get a set time and appointment were queued up front like pre-Cold War Muscovites waiting for toilet paper. Once allowed in, they were forced to audition in front of one person. Not bad, I’ve played rooms about that size. But not with five other comics standing beside me. The comics were taken as a six-pack and used as such, being asked to blurt out a joke, then on to the next one, then on to the next. You then could be sent to the “Maybe Pile”. Good luck from there.

Having an appointment didn’t put you on easy street as well. Same thing happened, except you got to audition by yourself to the same type of accolade. Quoth the raven, “Not for this season.”

If I’m not mistaken as well, there be fineprint when the show gets going, reading that though voting is used, it does not impact the final decision. So, since NBC isn’t really beating down my door these days, and I’m pretty sure that’s not them but the drunk guys in the next apartment forgetting that they don’t live in my unit, I’ve got as much of a chance of success as a naked supply teacher in a shop class.

So, I’ll just watch this year and hope that the Canadians that got asked into the final are one of the chosen ones. Deb ang Gerry did us proud last year. Let’s hope that a Canadian can bust through and win an American show and show them…oh, who am I kidding?

1 Comment
  • tva

    Act quick since you can’t make a permanent link, but Martha O’Neill has written a great first-hand account on the cattle call at As well, another first-hand account can be found from Peter Anthony (

    “Congrats to those moving on to represent Toronto and Canada in LA!

    In terms of my own experience, I did have a set time to be there (9:30 am). We were rushed in and filled out release forms, then rushed in a line to the club. When our turn came we walked in and had to perform 2 minutes on stage to a lady (later revealed to be a producer). The crew was off to the side next to the sound room. It was difficult to play to such a room so I just kicked into the jokes. After 2 minutes her arm raised up, I stopped, and she said “Thanks, but we’re going to pass on this season.”
    After hearing about what they did to people in the lineup, I realized it was typical of TV producers. They want the illusion that all of us who had set times waited in line, which is horseshit. EVERYBODY should have been given an equal and fair shot by doing the 2 minutes on stage. I think we all realize though, that this is a TV show first and a standup comedy show second. It can do amazing things for people’s careers or it can make you look like an idiot on international television. Take it for what it is.”

    February 16, 2008 at 10:46 am