Episode 127: Brian Hope

Episode 127: Brian Hope

Welcome to episode #127 of the TVA Podcast.

In this week’s episode, we welcome BRIAN HOPE!

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Join me, Darcy, and Brian as we talk about:

– Well, surely not anything about ringtones
– Our roadtrips that we’ve taken
– Really bad Elvis impersonators
– We have a long hard look at both Darcy’s and Brian’s Wiis


“Famous” (PMN), by The Lascivious Biddies

Thanks for listening!

1 Comment
  • Lemmings! I love lemmings. Found a copy on CD a couple of years ago and was playing it again. It’s incredibly addictive. These youngsters just don’t know what they’re missing. Wii Fit – who needs the agro?

    April 14, 2009 at 11:01 am