CATP Season Three Closes and TVA’s Got Shows!

CATP Season Three Closes and TVA’s Got Shows!

Hey, all. It’s been a crazy opening of the year thus far and I can’t thank you all for the support and your podcast listening…wait…yep, just checked, that’s a sentence.

I’ve got some dates coming up in the next while that you can see in the left panel of THIS WEBSITE, including trips to Sudbury, hosting ‘Sunday Night Live’ at Comedy Bar, a SPCA fundraiser in Milton, travel to Bobcaygeon, and both Absolute Comedy clubs in Toronto and Ottawa. Hope to see you there!

As well, the live show of ‘Comedy Above the Pub’ has been so well received, that we’re going to continue! We’re going to be doing live recordings of “Comedy Above the Pub” with different guests each month. These will record the last Sunday of the month. Go to Comedy Bar or Comedy Above the Pub for details.

Speaking of the podcast, we closed out Season 3 in style!

– The triumphant return of Kevin Brauch
– The wonderful Andy Kindler
‘CATP-LIVE!!!’ with Debra DiGiovanni and Nile Seguin
– From Second City Toronto, Nigel Downer and Matt Reid

These episodes and more can be found at COMEDY ABOVE THE PUB.

Hope to see you soon!


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