An Open Letter to Rob Ford: Let’s Talk

An Open Letter to Rob Ford: Let’s Talk

Dear Mr. Ford.

I hope this letter finds you well. As I can well imagine, this has been quite a week for you, but from the many radio appearances you’ve made over the past little while, it seems you’re holding your head above water, “fighting for the little guy”, “saving our nickels and dimes” and just being an all-around nice guy about things, despite your detractors.

I noted that you had asked the media to stay away from your home and respect your privacy. I totally get that. As such, I will not be driving to Etobicoke to accost you for an interview, not just because you requested, but I find Etobicoke streets to be somewhat confusing to navigate. I can’t afford a driver, and using the Google app on my phone makes it look to the police like I’m texting and driving. So, yeah. Non-starter.

You did state on your radio show that, instead, the media could contact you to set up a meeting with you and discuss all matters. That to me seems more than fair. So allow me to extend my hand here.

I am a host of a local award-winning podcast called “Comedy Above the Pub”, currently in its 7th season of broadcast. Yes, we tend to have comedians on, but we are no stranger to having entertaining celebrities, such as you, on the show. We’ve been graced with fantastic comedians such as Colin Mochrie,Greg Proops, Bruce McCulloch and even caller into your CFRB 1010 show, Kris Siddiqi. Even he came on and survived. Again, we don’t just have comedians on, but entertaining people such as local celebrity chefs Massimo Capra, Andrea Nicholson, Roger Mooking, Corbin Tomaszeski and many others. We’ve had television personalities such as Alan Thicke, “Thirsty Traveler” and “Iron Chef America”‘s Kevin Brauch, and Food Network’s Bob Blumer and “Defiance” actor Trenna Keating. We’ve had musicians such as Thomas Dolby and Henry Rollins. And, yes, we’ve had politicians like Member of Parliament Andrew Cash and, sadly not one of your favourites, former Toronto mayor David Miller.

Okay, I’ll stop there as this may come off as bragging, and I know you hate that sort of thing. Suffice to say, we’ve had a strong compliment of guests, and I would like to add you to our number of entertaining guests.

The format is merely a conversation, a discussion where we endeavour to find the funny in things. We can get serious from time to time, but it’s about entertaining discourse. From your radio show, hearing how you deal with callers ranging from “supportive” to “crack pot”, I think you’d be thoroughly comfortable and a wonderful guest.

So, per your request, here is my media request. I would like to have you in studio, or if it suits you better, I can bring my equipment to your office or a more befitting venue that better accommodates your busy schedule.

I will post this through the usual avenues (social media these days is crazy, right?) and hope, as you promised, you will return my call and schedule an appointment.

I’d hate to see you go against a promise you made to your public.

Thanks and talk soon.


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