TVA Podcast 160: Marjorie Malpass

TVA Podcast 160: Marjorie Malpass

Welcome to episode #160 of the TVA Podcast.

In this week’s episode, we welcome Marjorie Malpass!

Join me, Marjorie, and a little bit of Producer Darcy as we chat about:

– the art of the audition and how to surprise casting agents
– what it’s like playing an elf in a Hong Kong mall
– life in NYC
– what she and my sister-in-law have in common

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  • Darcy

    I walked all the way to the airport (took 45 mins – as estimated by Google Maps). Did arrive there a little warm, but I burned off a lot of nervous energy.

    October 12, 2009 at 8:30 pm
  • Shell

    Leaving on a jet plane was originally done by John Denver I think. Chantal Kreviazuk did a cover at one point.
    I love NYC too – where exactly did you get that sandwich?
    One last question – perhaps I wasn’t listening carefully enough, but are you going to be an uncle again Todd? is that what Miss Malpass and your sister in law have in common?

    As far as pregnancy being funny, the answer is: sort of.
    I think pregnancy stuff is funny to other women, especially the ones who’ve had kids and can relate. Lots of funny-ness about elastic waistband pants (SEXY!), memory loss and random strangers explaining how you’re doing it all wrong – before the kid even gets here. There’s always the “dim wit” husband angle too – holding the kid wrong (or the doll they make you practice on), diapering the wrong end, making you drive yourself to the hospital because they’re too stressed/freaked out when the actual delivery time comes etc., etc., etc. But doesn’t all of that feel like it’s been done before?

    October 14, 2009 at 12:49 pm
  • Shell

    PS: Darcy, I’m glad you survived the trip east and I’m very glad to have you home again. Can’t wait for next week’s episode!

    October 14, 2009 at 12:50 pm
  • Darcy

    Thanks Shelley! I walked home from the airport. Took 1 hour 45 mins.

    October 14, 2009 at 1:05 pm