Episode 95: Carolyn Bennett

Episode 95: Carolyn Bennett

Carolyn BennettThanks for listening!

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In this week’s episode, we welcome comedian, writer, and all-around great person CAROLYN BENNETT!

In this episode we talk about:

– The fact that she’s not Carolyn Bennett
– Carolyn and her fascinating career
– We talk about her comedy career
– We drop names of celebrities like Brad Pitt, Norm MacDonald, and Her Majesty the Queen like carpet-bombing in an order to boost web hits
– We have a special time to talk about Christmas
– For once I am not an idiot

Music: Blitzkrieg Santa (Mashuptown.com) by Divide and Kreate


  • Shell

    To be quite honest Todd, I’m not sure the fact that you were right about the Bennett buggy means that you’re not an idiot. 🙂
    Thanks for the great laughs on this one. Please bring her back anytime, she’s hilarious.

    December 24, 2008 at 5:03 pm
  • tva

    The fan(s) have spoken. She definitely will be back!

    But yes, I gots the Bennett Buggy!

    December 25, 2008 at 11:46 am