Episode 77: Joy Acharjee

Episode 77: Joy Acharjee

Joy On The Rooftop
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Special Guest: JOY ACHARJEE! In this episode:

– We talk about his move from England to Canada to do comedy, and what places didn’t make the short list
– We talk footy! (finally, and not for that long…but enough)
– We nerd out on BritComs
– We tackle racism…for about 8 seconds
– We discuss the quality of our show after the crowd shows up on the roof at Stratengers

Joy also takes us through all of his links. And you thought I had some…

Writing: http://joyfletch.blogspot.com
Comedy: http://joyacharjee.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joy-Acharjee/7422597235
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Joyanta

Music: River Of Joy (PMN) by Black Lab

1 Comment
  • James Morris

    Joy Acharjee is a very funny man, I have been a big fan of this man for many years and wish him all the best. Great guy and great jokes.

    October 22, 2008 at 2:29 pm