TVA Podcast

TVA Podcast – Bonus (?) Episode

This is just 50 mins with Todd and Darcy. We had time to kill. Maybe you do too. In this episode, we get on about Montreal, the difference between the various types of Middle-Eastern sandwiches, the Leaf’s ability to succeed through stupidity, and much...

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TVA Podcast 164: Carolyn Bennett

Welcome to episode #164 of the TVA Podcast. In this week's episode, we welcome back our good friend onto the podcast CAROLYN BENNETT! Join me, Carolyn, and Producer Darcy as we take a frantic stroll through the following topics: - H1N1 - Her sweet, sweet writing gig - Why we...

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TVA Podcast 162: Winston Spear

Welcome to episode #162 of the TVA Podcast. In this week's episode, we welcome WINSTON SPEAR! Join me, Winston, and Producer Darcy as we yammer on about: - The guts it takes to produce a new dance bit versus a new joke - Time spent on comedy contests - Electronic...

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TVA Podcast 161: Fraser Young

Welcome to episode #161 of the TVA Podcast. In this week's episode, we welcome FRASER YOUNG! Join me and Fraser as we chat large about: - my impressions of Fraser - life in NYC and how stand-up differs down there - hockey, football and the like - the art of punching...

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